Technology Centres in the Aachen region
Twelve special real estate centres throughout the Region offer not only additional benefits such as advisory services for start-up and expansion projects but also a unique infrastructure and synergy effects.
- BPA Business Park Alsdorf
- CMC Carolus Magnus Centrum Übach-Palenberg
- DLZ Dienstleistungszentrum Stolberg
- EBC Eurode Business Center Herzogenrath (D) / Kerkrade (NL)
- GeTeCe Gewerbe-Technologie-Center Eschweiler
- GSZH Gründer- und Service-Zentrum Hückelhoven
- HIMO Innovationszentrum Monschau
- Ideenfabrik Nachhaltige Wirtschaft Euskirchen
- its Internationales Technologie- und Service-Center Baesweiler
- New construction (AGIT)
- Startup Village Jülich
- TPH Technologie Park Herzogenrath
- TZJ Technologiezentrum Jülich
- ZBMT Zentrum für Bio-Medizintechnik Aachen