Digital Aachen region

The ongoing digitalisation increasingly influences all areas of life and poses great challenges, especially for companies. From Industry 4.0, the intelligent networking of production, logistics and customers and the associated digitalisation of entire business models, it offers numerous opportunities.

We support the digitalisation process in the Aachen region. To this end we cooperate with regional initiatives and experts.

As a user and supporter we are member of the digitalHUB Aachen and actively support the association's work within the focus group Aachen region. The focus group has set itself the goal of shaping the transfer of topics to the Aachen region and thus promoting the regional digitalisation process.

Together with the members of the focus group, we have also initiated the digitalPIONEER award, which was awarded for the first time in 2019 to six companies from the Aachen region.

As a regional platform, digitalHUB Aachen e. V. brings together digital users from industry and business (users), start-ups and medium-sized IT companies (enablers) as well as region players and science (supporters) in order to work together on supplementing and developing digital business model

Your contact

Nina Walkenbach M. A.
Authorised Representative / Head of Department
Dipl.-Betriebswirtin Gaby Mahr-Urfels
Project Management