Am 23. Oktober war es soweit, die Gewinner der 11. European Satellite Navigation Competition 2014 wurden im Rahmen einer feierlichen Preisverleihung in Berlin in der Hauptstadtrepräsentanz der Deutsche Telekom AG bekanntgegeben. Neben 26 Regionalpreisen wurden auch attraktive Spezialpreise vergeben. Teilnehmer aus über 40 Ländern hatten sich mit ihren innovativen Ideen zur Anwendungen der Satellitennavigation beworben.
Im Rahmen der nordrhein-westfälischen Regionalausscheidung waren Ute Marita Meissner und Dr. Rolf Meissner erfolgreich. Die Idee: Dynamic Stability Control Using GNSS and INS.
The next generation of driving assistance systems benefits from aviation by using GNSS and inertial navigation systems (INS) to offer a method of controlling vehicle driving dynamics – especially for single- and dual-track vehicles. These dynamics are controlled by way of brake and engine intervention based on how the vehicle’s motion changes in three-dimensional space relative to the global coordinate system and the effective direction of gravity or the Earth’s gravitational pull.
The dynamic stability control (DSC) system combines GNSS and INS to track the vehicle’s position, attitude, and speed vector, as well as the direction of gravitational force. It facilitates orientation of the vehicle by detecting sliding, twisting, tilting, skidding, and external impacts. Position and attitude data can still be collected even when, in extreme situations, the vehicle is no longer in contact with the ground. It is thus still possible to predict the direction of the vehicle’s flight/movement. Since vehicles constantly communicate their current orientation, position, speed vector, and attitude to other linked cars through car2car and car2x infrastructures, DSC also serves as an accident avoidance system.
Weitere Informationen:Broschüre „THE RESULTS 2014” (pdf, 24 mb)ESNC-Gewinner-WebseiteAnsprechpartner
AGIT mbH / Automotive & Rail Innovation Center (ARIC)
Martin Pölöskey
Tel. +49 (0)2432/93376-11