HYPEREGIO - Business meets Science: "AI & Robotics Dialogue"

We are happy to invite you to our event „Business meets Science“ within EarlyTech, a cross-border technology transfer project. This event with the focus on “AI & Robotics' is being organised in cooperation with Agoria and Corda Campus. An interesting keynote on the future with Articial Intelligence and Robotics, a panel discussion with
experts in the field and networking are the ingredients for the evening. We hope to engage companies and Researchers from the Euregio Maas-Rhine working on topics related to AI & Robotics, and to promote a dialogue across the borders. We look forward to welcoming you! Your HYPEREGIO Partners The event will be held in Dutch. Please register via PXL.be. Contact:
Michiel Stoffels
Adviseur Onderzoek PXL-Research
Hogeschool PXL Phone: +32 11 775665
Email: michiel.stoffelspxl.be

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