in cooperation with EurA AG*************************************************************PROGRAMME
14.00 h Registration14.15 h Welcome and Introduction
Peter Gier, AGIT mbH 14.30 h Introduction of the participants15.00 h “High-performance cold storage solutions for BackUp system” –
Example of a sucessful cross-border project initiation
Mark Görög, EurA AG 15.30 h Development of business cases
Moderation: Mark Görög and Florian Mrosek, EurA AG
16:30 h Wrap-up
17:00 End
TZA Technology Centre Aachen
Conference Room K6, 1st floor
Dennewartstr. 25 – 27
52068 Aachen, Germany
The participation is free of charge. Please register via the registration form or with AGIT mbH, Doris Mü CONTACT
Peter Gier, BDS Manager – AGIT mbH, Aachen (D)
Tel. +49 (0) 241 963 10 52 Florian Mrosek – EurA AG, Aachen (D)
Tel. +49 (0) 241 963 12 08 *By registering for this event, you agree to the following: Inclusion of your details on participant lists, providing contact information to other participants before and after the event, receipt of invitations to further events of the project partners, publication of photographs and film recordings. Your consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. Further information on data collection